End of week 1

Well week one was a short one for the blog, as it was only 4 days, but for the stats I’ll use the whole 7 days.

Weight 79.9kg (-1.4kg)
Running: 4x 1 long run, 1 intervals, 1 hilly treadmill and 1 outdoor easy. (58km)
Cycling: 1x 1 hour at the gym (28km)
Swimming: 1x at Mombach pool (1.6km)

Running wise it wasn’t great, my long run of 24km was interrupted for about 15 mins by looking for a toilet, that ruined my rhythm and I didn’t feel great for the 8km home. My hilly treadmill run on Thursday was also a bit of a failure, I couldn’t hold the 11km level 5 hills, hopefully it is just a post Christmas lull.

I didn’t get much chance to cycle, partially because it is damn cold outside and partially due to laziness, I should have cycled 2h yesterday 🙁

Swimming, well I am back in the pool at least! Jantastic means I will have to swim at least once a week, but I want to do 2 a week and some strength work on the other days. My GPS watch should be interesting as the year goes on, I could see my first 50m of a 100m interval was often 53s, but after 100m it was always 1:58 or slower! Am I really swimming 12 seconds slower on the second half? If I am then maybe muscle endurance is the main issue for me, not technique.

I also did strength training at the gym 3 times, mainly legs and core, but some tricep work too.

So the plan for the next week: Swim tomorrow, intervals or TCEC run on Tuesday, Cycle on Wednesday, hilly treadmill on Thursday, Cycle on Friday, Swim on Saturday, maybe with extra cycling, then long run on Sunday. I know there are no rest days there, but Monday and Saturday are swim only days, so they shouldn’t overly tax me. Now that I look at it, I see only 3 runs… I will have to tack on a run after one or both of the cycles, just easy runs, but 3 isn’t enough..

Week 1

I weighed myself this morning, I didn’t do it yesterday because I though NYE would skew the results! So after a heavy Christmas of eating and drinking, I am 81.3KG. Goal 1 has to be to get to 77kg, definitely before Frankfurt half marathon at the start of March.

I ran outside in the snow last night, 15.6km nice and slow. I will do the running totals at the end of the week, but 60km+ running, 100km cycling and swimming twice would be a decent start to the year.